BtoB: I like those posts also. They are usually the ones whom I feel really emotional about on a private level. I composed the comment about Kasey Edwards and then panicked because I understood it was perhaps too private or did not fit with my project but after a little while I realized everything I DO is private when it comes to this and my feelings on that were no different.

Occasionally sharing feelings about things like that is more challenging than sharing a picture though for some reason.
Would you mind sharing the post linked to your period?
BtoB: [quoting her site] “Just like last month, and the month before that and the month before that, and alright, you get it, I’ll stop, I am on my period. Here are from this particular cycle: I spent a whole day lying in bed with the lights off, I bled through a jumbo tampon in a matter of hours, I got blood all over my bathroom floor when I stepped out of the shower and I cancelled plans with a friend because my insides felt like they had sprouted a million, tiny knives that were stabbing me.
This continues to be true, but my periods have never in my life been simple. They’re painful and dirty and I get cramps and headaches and bleed an entire hell of a lot. But they also force me to slow down, to pay attention to my body, to let someone take care of me for a day. They remind me that I am vulnerable and at the same time, so really strong. They remind me that my body is astonishing and fascinating and able of so many fantastic things. They remind me that it’s acceptable to cry, or request help or ask for an extra hug that day.
In addition they remind me that folks all around me are suffering every single day from things that I don’t understand about. Maybe they’re on their interval too, or have a migraine, or are fighting a debilitating disease. Perhaps they’ve just lost a loved one, or have a sick child at home. The people around all of us are coping with things that hurt them on a regular basis, emotionally and physically, but I understand that so often I forget about that, and I believe it’s all about me. If I am ok, they’re ok.
I don’t want additional help or empathy, why do they?
What’s next for you and this job?
BtoB: As far as what comes next, I actually don’t have any idea. It began as just a simple, funny project and evolved into this strange and exciting stage from which I can talk about my body and hopefully help people outside. Ideally, need to break away from the Tumblr platform and direct more people to a website instead. I feel like Tumblr is kind of insular and has a really small demographic, and I Had like to stand beyond that and let more people see what I am doing and find out about it who do not always have Tumblr reports. I began a website free of notion what to place on it and somehow that is evolved into a mix of Tumblr posts and also some extra info, posts, etc.
Occasionally I think to myself, I should just cease. I’ve done enough. This is it.I have nothing left to say. And I don’t post anything for a few days, and then all of the sudden i realize I ‘ve another thing to say and I write about it and people respond to it and it rekindles that want to keep doing it.
Ultimately, have no notion. I desired to cease at day 50, then again at day 75 and then again at day 100. And somehow I just keep going. But never once have I really known where I’m going with it, it only happens and I keep ending up wherever it takes me!
I understand I recognize what you need to say and to believe it is a dialogue that’s needed out there . feel like we have just touched the surface here, there are actually so many things that we could discuss! Maybe we’ll reconnect in the future for part two. As know, many of the listeners on this podcast are either naturist s, or are interested in trying social nudity out, generally to beat their own anxieties and body issues.Do you have any ideas for either?
BtoB:Definitely! I’d be happy to come back for a component two some day. Frankly, believe my guidance to those individuals would be to only do it! What have you got to lose? I’d say that 99 percent of the time, we’re our worst critic and that thing (whatever it is, weight, hair, whatever) that’s so tremendous to us is actually not a big deal to lots of others. I believe that everybody should learn to be comfortable naked by themselves and in front of strangers.

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